I wanted to talk about the Entry Fee.
I’m willing to pay a part of it, in addition to supplying all equipment, and tape, but I would like some help on the balance of the entry fee.
We missed the early deadline of $50.00. The fee is now $75.00. I’m happy to contribute $10.00, which leaves $65.00 to come up with. The easiest way to contribute is PayPal. Here is how that is done:
Log onto www.PayPal.com
If you have an account, sign in
If you don’t have an account, it is easy to get one, just follow directions, or if you don’t want to do that, just e-Mail me and let me know if you can contribute, and I’ll get it later today or tomorrow.
Select “Make Payment”
Enter my e-Mail address, which is Roger@RogerGlumm.com. Don’t click on that link, as it just sends me a message. (Or do click on it and let me know if you are planning to contribute.)
Enter the amount ($10.00 is recommended, but you decide what you want to send. If there is extra, we can buy pizza one or more of the days we are working on it.)