Sunday, June 29, 2008

Out of the Ashes

The Michigan FilmMaker Forum has been on hiatus for about a year and a half now. Attendance at meetings dropped from thirty or forty at the beginning to eight or twelve at some of the last meetings. The website never really got off the ground.

I think the need is still there, but it got to be a lot of work for just one person, and, although a few people volunteered to help, they were really busy folk and it was difficult to coordinate times to get together with them.

So, this is a step toward returning the Michigan FilmMaker Forum to its former relevance. There are lots of filmmakers, actors, directors, cinematographers and photographers out there who could use some help and networking and more importantly, they could be of serious help to people just getting started.

In the spirit of taking baby steps, for the next two or three weeks, this blog will focus primarily on the East Lansing Film Festival Summer 2008 48/5 competition.

We are in the earliest stages of assembling a team for that competition, and this will be the source for information on the ELFF 48/5 film competion. If you have an interest in competing, write to

And for more information check back with these pages or visit

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